Quick Facts

Brew of the Month Club

Bring the "Brew of the Month" club membership form to Ray'ma in the Darkbriar Lodge in Orgrimmar's Valley of Spirits.
"Brew of the Month" Club Membership Form (Provided)


There is strength in numbers, <name>. Being part of the "Brew of the Month" club means knowing you and your brethren will always have access to the best brew.

Bring your "Brew of the Month" club membership form to Ray'ma in the Darkbriar Lodge in Orgrimmar's Valley of Spirits.


You will receive this letter by Ray'ma

Welcome to the Brew of the Month Club!

Welcome to the Brew of the Month club! This club is dedicated to bringing you some of the finest brew in all the realms.

Every month a new brew will be mailed directly to you. If you enjoy that brew and want more, head to the Darkbriar Lodge in Orgrimmar's Valley of Spirits and talk to the Brew of the Month club members there.

Again, welcome to the club, <name>.

- Brew of the Month Club
